07.15.11 Alliance and the team ARE BACK! Read all about it here!
Also, the forums are now back online, cleaned up, and fully operational.

01.14.10 Unseen64 did a great interview and writeup on us during our away period!

10.24.06 WMI and Alliance have been featured in the November 2006 issue of Wired Magazine. The article, "Live-Fire Exercise", follows a reporter's trip with the WMI team to a machinegun shoot for live training in ballistics and marksmanship.

10.18.06 PS3Land interviews WMI President Asi Lang on development plans for Alliance

10.04.06 Alliance featured in an article on "political gaming" at Primo Technology

08.17.06 Alliance and the history behind the project previewed on 1Up.com

07.17.06 Alliance featured on ArmyTimes

06.30.06 Video interview about Alliance with Asi Lang at GameTrailers

06.08.06 John Callaham from FiringSquad interviews WMI President Asi Lang about Alliance

06.01.06 Alliance and WMI's E3 presence highly reviewed on Primo Technology

05.30.06 Read an interview with WMI President Asi Lang- and get his thoughts on the features that will make Alliance great -at Cosmos Gaming

05.26.06 Alliance trailers viewed over 75,000 times on GameTrailers.com!

05.15.06 GameSpot's Ryan MacDonald interviews Windward Mark Interactive President Asi Lang at the WMI E3 booth (click on Friday, 9am, 16 minutes into the video)

05.15.06 Alliance featured on BluesNews

05.15.06 Alliance featured on IGN

05.15.06 Lead Game Designer Eric Tulla sits down with GamerNode's John Clabo for an interview about the workings behind Alliance

05.15.06 Alliance featured on GamersHell

05.15.06 Alliance featured on Popular Mechanics

05.15.06 Alliance featured on GameSpot

05.15.06 Alliance featured on GamerNode

05.15.06 Alliance featured on MTV

05.15.06 Alliance featured on Yahoo! Games

05.15.06 Realtime footage of Alliance captured at E3 on Imeem

05.15.06 Alliance featured on German gaming mag GameStar

05.15.06 Alliance's debut featured glowingly on Infuze Mag: Link1 Link2

05.15.06 AWESOME The game, our awesome side project, featured on Kotaku: Link1 Link2

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